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Mastering the Art of Email Marketing: Amplifying Your Message For Impact

We all know how important it is to stay connected with your customers and one of the best ways of building loyalty is through email marketing.

Chances are your customers have a computer or mobile device, and most likely have an email address, and they had been looking through their inboxes as often as they browse other apps on their devices.  Email marketing is cost-effective and efficient in directing personalised content pieces to your valued customers.

In marketing the aim is to get your customers to read and click through your email and onto your website. Therefore the content has to be appealing and relevant for them to be able to do so. Many businesses fall into the trap of sending out generic emails that merely get stuck in boxes and never get read.

It is essential if you do embrace email marketing, that you ensure the subject line and content appeal to your customers that would make them want to read your messages.

So here are some tips to ensure that your email marketing efforts do not go to waste.

1. Secure Database

Have a list of contacts in a secure database; which will include the recipients’ name and email addresses. You may have a great story to tell but if you do not have quality leads, your email would not reach the right people. Therefore it is important to sift through your distribution list and direct your messages to the right target group. Additionally, you need to ensure that your database is cleaned and up-to-date. People move on, change email address or perhaps decease; it is best practice to clean and dedupe your database at least every two years.

2. Permission-Based

Your email marketing strategy permission-based. Ensure that your contacts granted you the permission to use their data in this manner, and you comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which came into force on 25 May 2018.

3. Reliable Distribution Service

Seek a reliable distribution service. Choose a service that you can afford and easy for you to use. Also ensure that you use a legitimate business email so your customers can take you seriously.

4. Attractive Dynamic Template

Create an attractive, dynamic template in line with your branding guidelines. You want to give a positive image with your customers, so start by impressing them at first sight and at all times.

5. Get to the point!

Get to the point! Your customers do not have the time to leisurely read through your email so it is important to keep your messages concise and engaging. Always write with the reader in mind and only distribute content that is relevant to them. Try not to make your email marketing a constant sales pitch. Sometimes your customers just want to hear about new developments within your company or a charity work you’ve done. Find different stores to tell your customers that will keep them engage with your content.

6. Avoid Spams

Spam it not! Keep away from the spam filters as much as possible. Avoid using words such as free or cash in your email campaign as this could be detected as spam and ends up in the spam/junk boxes rather than their inboxes.

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